lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Programas para hacer lenticular.. faltan.. pero empezamos.

Lenticular Shareware
The original version of LSWI was called "Lenny", and set THE standard for Lenticular Imaging software quality and ease. LSWI takes that quality to the next level, simplifying the process of making lenticular 3-D, flip, animation/motion, and even anaglyph images easier, quicker, and (believe it or not) even better quality!

3D - Easy Standard & Professional with ColorCode 3-D
ColorCode 3-D Center ApS, Denmark
Make your own Lenticular 3-D and ColorCode 3-D images on your PC with this ultimate all-in-one 3-D Stereo software. With 3D-Easy you can produce: Lenticular 3-D images (Autostereograms), Flip images, ColorCode 3-D images (ColorCodeStereograms) using the patented ColorCode 3-D Standard encoding and much more.
Works with Windows 98, ME, 2000 & XP.

3D - Easy SPACE (german & english)
Shareware Windows 98, ME, NT 4, 2000, XP

production of 3D-and flip images with the help of the enclosed lenticulars
continuous calculation of lenticular images from 10 lpi up to 50 lpi
production of gray and colorful anaglyph images (3D Images with red/cyan, red/green and red/blue parts) on the monitor and as a print; this function will be used for the 3D impression of the lenticular image (depth of the room). It can also be used to produce anaglyphs only.

Triaxes 3DMasterKit TM
Shareware for Windows® 98/-/XP
3DMasterKit is designed for creation of stereo images and lenticular images, photos, advertising products with special effects (stereo – 3D, lenticular: flipping, morph, animation, zoom);
StereoMeter is used to calculate the optimal stereo base for making stereo photos;
StereoTracer implements the "depth map" method for creating series of stereo frames from a single photo & a depth map image;
3DMorpher is designed for making series of frames illustrating transformation of one still image to another image. This program is used to generate series of stereo frames from the stereopair photos. Printers, advertising studios, photo studios, photographers might find it a useful and cost effective solution that will extend their business in a new dimension, increase quality and productivity of making 3D images and lenticular products.

Triaxes StereoTracer

Triaxes StereoTracer is designed for rendering multi-view images out of one original image and depth-map (also known asdisparity image or Z-image ) in order to create stereo or 3D-image.

Magic Interlacer Pro 100
Interlaces up to 100 images for 3D, Animation, Motion, Morphs, Flips and more. Built in database to track your projects and settings. User-defined lens materials, lens pitch, output device and print resolution. Interlace with "Resolution Priority" to minimize "Banding" by using native printer resolutions. Interlace RGB, CMYK or Grayscale and virtually any file format compatible with Adobe Photoshop 5.02 and greater.

3DMagic Lenticular Designer
Produce your own 3D lenticular images with up to 50 layers of depth, from one Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator 8 layered file (exported to a Photoshop file). Automatic and accurate 3D depth adjustment for various lens materials and interlaced image size. Built in database of various lenticular lens materials. Graphical interface for easy visualization and placement of original layers. Produces 2 to 99 images as a sequential image series for 3D interlacing in Magic Interlacer Pro 100, Pro 50 or Magic Interlacer Lite. Built-in "Image Count" calculator so you know how many sequential images are required for ultimate resolution and professional results. (Requires Adobe Photoshop™ 6.0 or greater)

Lenticular Image Creator
Free for personal, hobby, educational and evaluation use Windows and OSX
Current technologies are now allowing personal computers and consumer level printers to create images with fine resolution to create dazzling effects under lenticular lenses. This software fills the gap for a free or low cost, cross platform interlacing solution. LIC is currently available for Windows and OSX.

LIC imports and exports many different image formats including jpg, bmp, tiff and many others allowing you to fit it right in to your current workflow. Projects can be saved and re-opened at a later time preserving your imaging settings and letting you quickly re-interlace an image after source image tweaks have been done. Read more about LICs features in the documentation.
3D MAGIC 3D MAGIC v2.0 professional lenticular software can be used to design the lenticular images of 3D, many kinds of flips, animation, moving, rotating, scaling, morph, and a hundred of combination effects. Any lenticular materials can be used, the preview effects can be saved as GIF files, and the design effects can be saves as TIFF files.

Freeware: Andrew Rowbottom
Lentikit is a work in progress, it will become a set of tools for producing and adjusting images for use with lenticular sheets or barrier screens to produce 3D autostereograms. The full featureset is not decided, nor will it ever be.
So far Lentikit is the work of a single person, though contributers are very, very welcome.
Flip & 3-D Genius
Flip! is a flexible WIN 95/98/NT program for interlacing graphic images to fit a lenticular screen. Flip! can be used to make winkie-blinkie flip images, motion, or 3-D lenticulars. Flip! accepts up to 50 images in the tiff, CMYK tiff, gif, bmp, jpeg, or pcx formats and outputs a tiff file ready for printing, outputting to film, or color separations.
Interlacer® PRO
Shareware Windows98-XP, Apple MacOS 9.2. Apple MacOS X
Image Interlacer® Pro is the ultimate solution in the field of professional Lenticular printing. A revolutionary software that enables anybody to accomplish excellent results in no time. One of the unique features is the easy and independent realization of even the most complex print jobs. No time consuming processing or complex step-outs.

HumanEyes PrintPro
Mac OS x 10.3 and later
HumanEyes PrintPro v2.0 is available for both digital and litho print applications. HumanEyes PrintPro generates ready-to-print, interlaced files and allows you to work seamlessly with your existing printing equipment to produce superior results.

With HumanEyes PrintPro v2.0 software you can:

Cover the entire workflow of 3D image production - from capturing the source files to generating a calibrated, ready-to-print/display file.
Produce items such as business cards, direct mailing, product packaging, posters, point of sale materials and commercial, and out-of-home signage in 3D.

Lenticular Effects
The Lenticular Effects 3.0 software, available for Windows PC and Apple MacOS X, is all you need to create flip, zoom, morph, animation and 3D lenticular effects and their combinations. In the past, the process of producing lenticular images was a pretty arcane art which involved many different aspects of graphic design, image manipulation, 3D compression and the use of high-tech software and hardware. It is only fairly recently that it has been possible to produce lenticular images with media other than lithographic printers or photographic processes for high volume print runs. The arrival of high quality ink, continuous tone and laser printers has brought low volume print runs within the reach of the private user or small business.

HumanEyes Creative 3 D
Mac OS x 10.4.7 and later

Turn 2D Images to 3D – use any photos
Easy Layering – easily layer images from a single image
Image Completion – amazingly fills in blank holes
Animations – Zoom, Opacity, Movement and Rotation
Flips – Just add images and you are ready
New Convergence Tool – control and change yourself the image's focal point.
Improved flip capabilities that make the timeline even easier to use.

Freeware by Charles Douglas Wehner
The major problem of creating the striped image is effectively solved by the free availability of high-quality printers, and by the use of the simple LEN DOS command. So if LEN tickles your fancy, you can read here how to make 3D pictures with up to SIX components, and at up to 3072 dots wide.

3DZ Home
Shareware. Three programs in a package
Program 1 - 2D for 3D
- converts with few Mausklicks 2D of pictures (e.g. photos) into 3D.
- output format: Lenticular, Anaglyphen, animated GIF
Program 2 - Flip
- for Lenticular of change pictures
Program 3 - 3D Lenticular
- 3D, animation, Morph, zoom shot out up to 10 Frames

3DZ Extreme
Digi-Art - Neue Visuelle Medien
Lenticular and Holograms 3D printing - 3DZ & LCK are two of the of the most advanced easy to use Lenticular and barrier screen printing software (often mistaken for hologram software) packages available. 3DZ & LCK offer professionals and amateurs alike to quickly and easily produce every type of 2D and 3D lenticular image, including Flip, 3D, 2D/3D, Morph, Zoom, Animation and Video sequences, plus combinations. In sizes ranging from 30mm x 30mm right up to 2.5m x 2.5m.

LenPC Lite Version
Shareware: New Systems Ind. Co
Let you experience the simple 3D, Flips at home using PC computer. You need our NS06P lens in order to see the output image.

Freeware: Windows (Linux & Mac OS X to come)
The stereoscopic effect is created by aligning six images in a vertical pattern. Depending on the viewers angle, only one image will be visible to each eye at any time.

EZ3D Photo Print
EZ3D Photo Print is basically designed for those who have photo printer and digital camera, and want to do something funny and special for the photos. Indeed, it can help you easily create 3D photos with your existed normal 2D photos. You don't even need to know anything about 3D technology. To create a 3D photo is very easy as "1-2-3". Yes, just follow the "1-2-3" steps as EZ3D Photo Print requires, anyone can easily finish a 3D photo in a few minutes by yourself.
3D Gugle
To transform your preferred images in three-dimensional images

With 3D Gugle you can create Stero Pairs or 2D to 3D conversion images and movies in 3D, stereoscopic or ordinary animations, any type of image manipulation, digital film, transformations or graphic filtering and even more,

3D Gugle also offers you a complete set of tools for working with lenticular images.

HumanEyes Capture 3D - Photography Software
Mac OS x 10.3 and later,

Stereo Pixel MOVER
Freeware by Charles Douglas Wehner

2D to 3D Stereo Reconstruction

Power Illusion
Shareware, Mac OS X or Windows XP
Power Illusion offers a revolutionary new concept in lenticular design. Using keys the user can control the visibility, opacity, parallax, position, scale and rotation of every layer. This allows for the effortless mixing of motion, flips, zooms and 3D all in one layered project.


PhotoProjector Easy
PhotoProjector Plus

PhotoProjector creates interlaced images for lenticular sheets and barrier-screens. PhotoProjector is designed for combined use with other programs such as Adobe Photoshop. PhotoProjector doesn't create the viewpoints of 3D scene or animation images. PhotoProjector doesn't print the image. This program creates interlaced images only. Formats of input files are BMP, PNG, TIFF, JPEG in Greyscale, RGB colour mode, TIFF in CMYK colour mode. Formats of output files areTIFF in colour mode of source images. Don't support compressed and multilayered TIFF .

Freeware: Windows & Mac OsX

enables to generate slideshow that can be viewed with the stereo image browser StereoBee.
.....provides integration with the 3D modeler Art Of Illusion.It enables a 'live' stereo adjustment of a virtual pair of cameras in the 3D scene (with anaglyph glasses) before running the (heavy) final render. Then, the final pair may be reloaded in AnaBuilder to make anaglyph color corrections or to be used with other means of stereo viewing. It is also possible to use AoI to make 3D stereo brushes, and to paint with them in AnaBuilder.
.....offers an integration with the stereoscope viewer. It enables views as cross-eyed, parallel, KMQ, mirror, or shutter glasses (Elsa Revelator, H3D, D4D)....
.....offers an integration with the panorama viewer PTViewer.
.....also allows stereo-morphing to convert a 2D photo into a 3D photo, or to modify the depht of an existing 3D photo.
.....makes it possible to touch up the photographs in 3d, or to draw in 3d.
.....can be used as a touch up program.
.....offers a bracketing merger
.....offers a noise reduction tool.

PSD 3D Converter
PSD 3D Converter is intended for 2D to 3D conversion. The program converts a multilayered PSD file to several stereo viewpoints, that are used for lenticular image creating. Take layered Photoshop file to generate any number of views. Besides every layer can contain a depth map in layer mask.

PSD files are prepared in Adobe Photoshop, or Adobe Photoshop Elements, or Adobe Image Ready, where the layers are cut-out and the depth maps are drawn. PSD 3D Converter program process the ready PSD file to produce a 3D sequential series of images. Input image is PSD file in Greyscale, RGB, CMYK colour mode, output images - TIFF files in colour mode of input image. PSD 3D Converter is stand-alone program, does not require Photoshop installation.

ViewsAligner 1.1 is intended for alignment of 3D photo shots (3D views). The program creates the lenticular interlacing image too. ViewsAligner aligns a photo views using bench marks. Bench marks are set in the identical points in all views. Then the program makes the automatical alignment of the views. One bench mark alignment is for the views shifting (if a camera was shifted without tilt). Two bench marks are for the shifting and rotating (if a camera was tilted). Four bench marks are for the shifting, rotating and rescaling (if a camera was tilted, and a shots have a different zoom). There are the manual alignment tools too. You can crop the frames, shift the stereo window and make lenticular image as well.

VRex DepthStudio™ software allows you to take stereoscopic pairs and combine them into ready to view 3D formats. Digitally scan stereo photo pairs or your favorite 3D graphics program to create left and right perspectives. DepthStudio will multiplex the pair, generating a stereoscopic still that is ready to view. DepthStudio even has descriptor support for both jps deliverable files and pns master files! The stereoscopic stills that you create with DepthStudio can then be viewed using VRex's DepthCharge™ software or other viewing platform in conjunction with VR-Visualizers™, VRex 3D projectors, or almost any 3D viewing system.

1 comentario:

  1. Lenticular Shareware
    The original version of LSWI was called "Lenny", and set THE standard for Lenticular Imaging software quality and ease. LSWI takes that quality to the next level, simplifying the process of making lenticular 3-D, flip, animation/motion, and even anaglyph images easier, quicker, and (believe it or not) even better quality!
